Been there, done that - have the layout!
extend-a-page; 4-page spread, flip pages, pocket pages, portrait sleeves, etc.
design principles, using small photos, paper photo corners, photo mounting sleeves, labeling a group photo, scrapbook idea jar, etc.
getting albums done in a hurry
great album to make for your child's grandparents - or yourself
using printed paper, economical use of paper, etc.
organizing photos and memorabilia to make scrapbooking quick and easy
This file was created for scrapbook consultants but has some good ideas on using a circle cutter, oval cutter, crimper/corrugator, etc.
quick tips, Power Layouts, speed cropping, making your own Short-cuts, quick and classic pages, etc.
Many people like the look of old-time scrapbooks and photo albums that had black pages. Now that various companies make black refill pages for their scrapbooks, it is easy to duplicate the look.
suggestions on how to scrap the hurtful and difficult times in your life - past mistakes, regrets, alcoholic parents, etc.
The Classic Scrapbook mostly simple but very nice page ideas.
Memories by Brooks a beautifully done tribute album. page layouts, poems, quotes, time capsule