Also see Specific Destinations, Travel and Location Humor.

Page Toppers


West Virginia Symbols

Facts About West Virginia

from West Virginia Hills

(words by Mrs. Ellen King, music by H. E. Engle)

Oh, the West Virginia hills!
How majestic and how grand,
With their summits bathed in glory,
Like our Prince Immanuel's Land!
Is it any wonder then,
That my heart with rapture thrills,
As I stand once more with loved ones
On those West Virginia hills?

Oh, the hills, beautiful hills,
How I love those West Virginia hills!
If o'er sea o'er land I roam,
Still I'll think of happy home,
And my friends among the West Virginia hills.

Oh, the West Virginia hills!
Where my childhood hours were passed,
Where I often wandered lonely,
And the future tried to cast;
Many are our visions bright,
Which the future ne'er fulfills;
But how sunny were my daydreams
On those West Virginia hills!
(repeat chorus)

Oh, the West Virginia hills!
How unchang'd they seem to stand,
With their summits pointed skyward
To the Great Almighty's Land!
Many changes I can see,
Which my heart with sadness fills;
But no changes can be noticed
In those West Virginia hills.
(repeat chorus)

Items of Interest

Notable Natives

Some of these were born here, others just lived a while in the state.

The West Virginia State Flag
The flag is white with a dark blue border and a picture in the center similar to the state seal. There is a large rock (symbolizing strength and stability) with the date of statehood. The men represent farming and mining. Below them are rifles with a "Liberty Cap" on top (to signify the state will defend liberty). A red banner has the state motto "Mountaineers Are Always Free". Around the picture are rhododendrons. Above the picture is the state name on a red ribbon.

You know a computer is owned by a West Virginian if...

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Songs about West Virginia

Songs about Wheeling

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