It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.
This file includes things that apply to sports in general as well as Badminton, Bowling, Gymnastics, Golf,Skateboarding, Skating, Tennis, and Sports ABCs.
Also see 4-wheeling, Baseball, Basketball, Biking, Boxing,
Car Racing, Cheerleading, Coaches and Fans, Fencing, Football, Games, Hockey, Horse Racing, Karate, Martial Arts, Motocross, Motorcycles, Rodeo,
Running, Sailing, Skiing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Running, Track and Field, Volleyball, Water Sports, Winter Sports, and Wrestling.
Page Toppers
- The Agony of Defeat
- Are You Game?
- The Games People Play
- Good Sport
- Grudge Match
- Havin' a Ball
- Heart of a Champion
- Hero Worship
- Instant Replay
- Let the Games Begin
- Lookin' Good!
- My World, My Life, My game
- New World Order
- No Pain, No Gain
- Playing by the Book
- Practice Makes Perfect
- Prime Time Sports
- The Sports Page
- Sports Superstar
- Sportsmanlike Conduct
- Superstar
- Survival of the Fittest
- The Sweet Smell of Victory
- Taste of Victory
- Today's Champions, Tomorrow's Heroes
- Today's Heroes
- Unrivaled
- Unrivaled Competition
- Unsportsmanlike Conduct
- Way to Go!
- Winning with Style
- Ability will get you to the top, character will keep you there. (John Wooden)
- Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records. (William A. Ward)
- Always remember, your opponent wants to win as much as you do.
- Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.
- Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. (John Wooden)
- Champions never complain, they are too busy getting better.
- The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. (Vince Lombardi)
- Discipline is the refining fire which enables talent to become ability. (John Marcum)
- Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. (John Wooden)
- Doubters don't win. Winners don't doubt.
- The essence of sports is that while you're doing it, nothing else matters, but after you stop, there is a place, generally not very important, where you put it. (Roger Bannister)
- Everyone wants to win, but not everyone is willing to prepare to win. (Bobby Knight)
- Extra discipline makes up for a lack of talent and a lack of discipline quickly siphons away extra talent, that's why it's frequently the most disciplined rather than the most gifted who rise to the top.
- Fans don't boo nobodies. (Reggie Jackson)
- First master the fundamentals. (Larry Bird)
- The first thing is to love your sport. Never do it to please someone else. It has to be yours. (Peggy Fleming)
- Good is not enough if better is possible.
- If what you have done yesterday still looks big to you. You haven't done much today. (Mike Krzyzewski)
- If you can believe it, the mind can achieve it. (Ronnie Lott)
- If you think small things don't matter, think of the last game you lost by one point.
- In practice, if you don't like to do it, it is probably good for you. (D. Cotrell)
- It takes no talent to hustle. (Hans Schmidt)
- It's easy to have faith in yourself and discipline when you're a winner, when you're Number 1. What you've got to have is faith and discipline when you are not yet a winner. (Vince Lombardi)
- It's not the hours you put in, it's what you put in the hours.
- it's not the push from behind, or the pull from up front, but rather the drive from within. (Steve Bankston)
- It's not true that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are winners before the game even starts. (Addison Walker)
- It's not whether you win or lose,
it's how you play the game.
- It's only a game until you lose.
- Keep it simple, when you get too complex you forget the obvious. (Al Maguire)
- Lack of confidence is born from a lack of preparation. (Shannon Wilburn)
- Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. (Darrel Royal)
- The more you practice the luckier you get!
- One player practicing sportsmanship is far better than fifty preaching it.
- Perfection is not attainable but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
- The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. (Vince Lombardi)
- R.E.P.S.--Repetition Elevates Personal Skills. (Conor Gillen)
- Remember this, the choices you make in life, make you. (John Wooden)
- Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan. (Tom Landry)
- Sports do not build character. They reveal it. (John Wooden)
- Sports should always be fun. (Charles Mann)
- Success is that place in the road where preparation meets opportunity. (Branch Rickey)
- There are two pains in life, the pain of discipline, and the pain of regret. Take your choice.
- Think and then act. Never act and then alibi. (Hank Iba)
- To be successful, you don't have to do extraordinary things. Just do ordinary things extraordinarily well. (John Rohn)
- To win, all you have to do is get up one more time than you fall.
- Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-the-last mistake.
- Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat.
- Victory or defeat is not determined at the moment of crisis, but rather in the long and unspectacular period of preparation.
- What to do with a mistake--recognize it, admit it, learn from it, forget it. (Dean Smith)
- The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital.
- A winner is a dreamer who never quits.
- A winner never quits and a quitter never wins.
- Winners dwell on their desire, not their limitations.
- Work hard to make things easier. (Pete Carill)
- You are only defeated if you give up one more time than you get up.
- You can only win if you aren't afraid to lose.
- You can't win if you don't begin.
- You don't demand respect, you earn it. (Steve Seidler)
- Your toughest competition in life is anyone who is willing to work harder than you. (Casey Coleman)
- You're never a loser til you quit trying.
- You're never as good as everyone tells you when you win and you're never as bad as they say when you lose. (Lou Holtz)
A Prayer for Sports Moms
May we make it on time
To field, pool or court.
Arrive safe and sound
And be a good sport!
Put Forth Your Best
(Patty M., CMC)
The contest lasts for moments
though the training's taken years.
It wasn't the winning alone
that was worth the work and tears.
The applause will be forgotten,
the prize will be misplaced.
But the long hard hours of practice
will never be a waste.
For in trying to win you build a skill;
you learn that winning depends on will.
You never grow by how much you win,
you only grow by how much you put in.
So in any new challenge you've just begun,
put forth your best and you've already won.
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(compiled by Denny Davis)
A - acrobatics, adventure racing, aerobics, aikido, angling, archery, arm wrestling, auto racing, autocross
B - backpacking, badminton, barrel racing, baseball, basketball, beach volleyball, biking, billiards, blind cricket, boating, bob sledding, bocce, bow hunting, bowling, boxing, bull riding, bungee jumping
C - camping, canoeing, car racing, cave diving, cheerleading, climbing, coursing, cricket, croquet, cross country (racing or skiing), curling, cycling, cyclocross
D - darts, decathlon, deer hunting, disc golf, discus, diving, dog sledding, drag racing, dressage, duck hunting
E - equestrian sports, endurance riding, escrima, Extreme sports
F - fast-pitch softball, fencing, field hockey, figure skating, fishing, flag football, football, formula one racing, freestyle walking, Frisbee
G - Gaelic football, goalball, golf, grappling, gymkhana, gymnastics
H - handball, hang gliding, harness racing, high jump, highland games, hiking, hockey, horse racing, horseshoes, hunting, hurling
I - ice dancing, ice hockey, ice skating, Iditarod, Indy car racing, indoor soccer, in-line skating
J - jai alai, javelin, jogging, jousting, judo, juggling, jujitsu, jump rope
K - karate, karting, kayaking, Kentucky Derby, kickboxing, kite sailing, kite surfing
L - lacrosse, laser tag, lawn bowling, lifting weights, long jump, lowrider cycling, luge
M - marathon, marksmanship, martial arts, miniature golf, monster trucks, motocross, motorcycle racing, motor sports, mountain biking, mountain climbing
N - NASCAR, NBA, net sports, NFL, NHL, ninpo, Nordic skiing
O - obstacle course, off-roading, Olympics, orienteering, outrigger canoeing
P - paddle ball, paintball, parachuting, paragliding, paralympics, para-sailing, pentaque, ping pong, pole vault, polo, pool, power lifting
Q - quad-biking, quail hunting, quarter horse racing, quoits, Q-zar
R - race-walking, racing, racquet ball, rafting, rallying, relay racing, road racing, rock climbing, rodeo, roller-blading, roping, rowing, rugby, running
S - sailing, SCCA, scuba diving, skateboarding, skating, skeet shooting, skiing, skydiving, shooting, shot-put, show jumping, sled dog racing, slowpitch snow skiing, softball, snooker, snorkeling, snowboarding, soccer, softball, Special Olympics, sports car racing, sprint cars, squash, steeplechasing, stock car racing, surfing, swimming, synchronized swimming
T - table tennis, tae kwon do, tai chi, T-ball, tennis, track, tractor pulling, trekking, triathlon, triple jump, turkey shoot
U - ultimate Frisbee, underwater hockey, unicycling
V - vaulting, vintage racing, volleyball
W - walking, water ballet, water polo, water skiing, weight lifting, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair racing, whitewater rafting, wiffle ball, wind surfing, world cup, world series, wrestling
X - BMX, MotoX, X-games, XC bike racing, XC skiing, X-treme sports
Y - yachting, yoga, youth soccer
Z - Z-Cruiser (this is the name of a scooter, but I couldn't think of anything else for "Z")
(Include coach name, team, town, school colors, etc. - hopefully one of those will start with a "Z")
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Page Toppers
- Badminton is for the Birds!
- Badminton--What a Racket
- A Little Birdie Told Me About Badminton
- Watch the Birdie!
Facts and Quotes
- Badminton became a full competition Olympics sport in Barcelona, Spain, in 1992.
- Badminton is the world's fastest racket sport: a shuttle can leave the racket at a speed of almost 200 MPH.
- A badminton player can cover more than one mile in just one match.
- There are many people playing badminton in the US but the stereotype is that it is a backyard sport. I hope we succeed in demonstrating badminton as an intense sport with a high requirement of skills and physique. (Howard Bach)
- When badminton was accepted into the Barcelona Olympic Games it showed that there was an acceptance of my sport internationally. (Rhonda Cator)
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Page Toppers
- Bowled Over
- Bowlers Strike Me as Being Special
- Bowlers Always Have Time to Spare
- Bowlers Don't Strike Out
- Bowlers Don't End Up in the Gutter
- Bowlers Have Time to Spare!
- Bowlers Love to Strike Out!
- Bowlers Prayer: Spare Us!
- Bowling Bowls Me Over
- Bowling is a Ball
- Bowling is Right Up My Alley!
- Bowling Night
- I Only Bowl on Days That End With Y
- Amateurs move it right to left, and pros move it front to back. (Del Ballard)
- The bowling alley is the poor man's country club. (Sanford Hansell)
- Every bowling center should have a house pro. (Don Johnson)
- Historical evidence has been found that William Tell and his family were avid bowlers. However, all the league records were unfortunately lost to antiquity. Thus we'll never know for whom the Tells bowled.
- If there is anyone who doesn't think I'm good enough for the Hall of Fame, just pick any bowler and I'll bowl him, and I'll beat the living daylights out of him! (Ernie Schlegel)
- If you don't knock all the pins down on the first ball, please spare me the details.
- It was so quiet in the bowling alley that you could hear a pin drop.
- It's late and I can't sleep. Bowling it is. (Gabriel Iglesias)
- One of the advantages bowling has over golf is that you seldom lose a bowling ball. (Don Carter)
- Shopping tip: You can get shoes for 85 cents at the bowling alley.
- We're the home of America's pastime, America's Team, and now the largest participatory sport in America...bowling. (Jay Burress, Arlington, Texas Convention and Visitor's Bureau)
- When bowling, you don't have to join the union to be striking.
- You know how they throw the ball into the crowd after they win a game? That's not allowed in bowling. I know that now.
Bowling Page Idea
- Draw a straight border around the page with a pen. In the top left corner arrange three bowling pin stickers or die-cuts. Put a bowling ball sticker or die-cut 2 or 3" below the pins on the line you drew.
In the lower right draw or cut out a bowling pin 5" high and make red strips around the 'neck'.
Cut out a 2" diameter bowling ball. Use yellow dots for the finger holes or punch out holes. Put the ball slightly overlapping the pin and draw three curved lines coming from the ball onto the pins so it appears the ball is hitting the pin.
At the end of each line put a small star sticker.
This is hard to explain but easy to do--just cut the pieces and play around with them.
- Cut bowling pins out of white paper. Mat photos on the large part of the pins.
- Some bowling leagues have newsletters where you can get poems and quotes and clipart ideas.
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Songs about Bowling
- Bowling - Jesse Winchester (2005)
- Bowling Alley - John Curtis (2007)
- Bowling Ball - Superchick (2007)
- Bowling for Fun - Tree Adams (2008)
- Bowling Night - Jan Smith (2001)
- Bowling Song - Asleep at the Wheel (2001)
- Bowling With You - Milkshake (2006)
- My Baby Loves to Bowl - Jimmy Soul (1963)
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Page Toppers
- Giant Leap
- Gravity is Not Your Friend
- Gymnastics Champions...Built by Gravity and Guts
- Gymnasts are Better Balanced!
- Gymnastics Make Me Flip.
- Hang Time (high bar or rings)
- She Flies Through the Air With the Greatest of Ease
- Lord of the Rings
- No Fear--No Gravity
- Nothing But Air
- One Giant Leap for Mankind (vault)
- Perfect Balance
- Ride 'em Cowboy (pommel horse)
- Up in the Air
- Zero Gravity
Quotes about Gymnastics
- Bending and twisting and twirling and rolling are an art form which requires great concentration and discipline and of course many years of hard training.
- Gymnastics has helped me so much, how to be dedicated to something, how to work hard to achieve your goals, also to be organized, and how to try and balance my life out. I think it's helped me in school too, because it's kept me organized and I'm always striving for a goal. (Shannon Miller)
- Gymnastics uses every single part of your body, every little tiny muscle that you never even knew. (Shannon Miller)
- I have had a few turning points, the first day I entered a gymnastics school at age six. (Nadia Comaneci)
- I'd like to work for the International Gymnastics Federation. These competitions have shown the sport needs a lot of changes. It should be judged primarily on grace, elegance and beauty rather than simply on mechanic tumbling. (Svetlana khorkina)
- In gymnastics, you have to be perfect every step along the way. (Shannon Miller)
- It is through artistic gymnastics that I have experienced a lot of joy, pleasure and satisfaction about my own physical abilities from childhood days. Those who only see the labor in my discipline fail to recognize the aesthetic component completely. This, however, is deeply connected with the human soul. Artistic gymnastics has been and always will be a great challenge for me. (Ivan Ivankov)
Songs about Gymnastics
- Balance Beam - Blue October (2000)
- Cartwheels in Delaware - Tubelord (2009)
- Crazy 'bout Gymnastics - Samantha Samuels (2006)
- Dimensional Gymnastics - An Albatross (2008)
- Gymnastics - Samuel Ashe (2010)
- Trampoline - The Spencer Davis Group (1966)
Page Idea
When my son was in gymnastics I took 25 pictures with auto wind on my camera of his floor exercise routine. I picked out pictures of each of the moves and cut them into circles, cropped a small oval "bite" into each one and mounted them in a large "S" curve down the page so each one almost touched the next one, and it looked like a stop-action video of the routine.
The Gymnast
(Ginnie Kimbell)
A gymnast is proud, a gymnast is strong
A gymnast is eager and ready to perform.
A gymnast is dedicated and goes to extreme,
Constantly attempting to fulfill a dream.
Extending his energy, keeping the vault in sight
Anticipating good form, straight legs and good height.
A gymnast will sit, twist, and swing on the bars
With eyes focused on him, this is his moment to be the star.
Approaching the floor with sure footed feet
A gymnast is unwilling to go down in defeat.
Being sure to stay in the allotted space,
Performing the floor routine with strength and grace.
A gymnast is determined to put forth his best
Expecting his endeavors to out score the rest
The gymnast is proud, but tired and beat,
It was his pleasure to to have been in the meet.
The Gymnast Creed
(author unknown)
Patience is man's greatest virtue
Or so the saying goes,
A gymnast must have said it
For a gymnast surely knows,
That in this funny sport of ours
Discouragement runs high;
And at times the best will find
This virtue has passed us by.
When hands are ripped and throbbing,
When every muscles is sore,
Can a gymnast still have patience
To go back in for more?
When you've lost old moves you used in days
and progress seems so slow,
Can you still have faith in better days
And not feel sad and low?
Can you admit you're frightened,
Yet not give in to fear?
Can you conquer pain, frustration,
And often even tears?
When someone else does something
That you've tried so long to do;
Can you really feel glad for them
Or just pity for you?
And when success seems far away
You efforts all in vain,
Can you force yourself to wear a smile
And disregard the pain?
If, despite the tribulations
You can say, "I won't give in!"
Maybe some day you'll discover
That it's now your time to win!
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Page Toppers
- 19th Hole
- Ain't Golf Grand
- Caddy Shack
- FORE (golf ball for O)
- "Fore"ever Golfing
- Golf (use a ball for O)
- Golf Fore Ever
- Golf is Great
- Golf is Groovy
- Golf Suits Me to a Tee!
- Hazards Attract; Fairways Repel.
- Iron Man
- On the Green
- Playing Through
- Puttering Around
- Tee For Two
- Tee'd Off
- Teeing Off
- There's No Time Like "Tee Time"
- When's Tee Time?
- Actually, the only time I ever took out a one-iron was to kill a tarantula. And it took a seven to do that. (Jim Murray)
- Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing. (Dave Barry)
- A bad day of golf is better than a good day at work.
- A ball you can see in the rough from fifty yards away is not yours.
- Counting on your opponent to inform you when he breaks a rule is like expecting him to make fun of his own haircut.
- Don't buy a putter until you've had a chance to throw it.
- Every time a golfer makes a birdie, he must subsequently make two triple bogeys to restore the fundamental equilibrium of the universe.
- Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at. (Jimmy Demaret)
- Golf is 95 percent mental anguish.
- Golf is a game in which one endeavors to hit a very small ball into an even smaller hole, with implements singularly ill-designed for the purpose. (President Woodrow Wilson)
- Golf is a game in which you yell FORE, shoot six, and write down five.
- Golf is a game that was invented to punish those who retire early.
- Golf is a good walk spoiled (Mark Twain)
- Golf is a lot of walking, broken up by disappointment and bad arithmetic.
- Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated. It satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and maddening-it is without a doubt the greatest game mankind has ever invented. (Arnold Palmer)
- A golf match is a test of your skill against your opponent's luck.
- Golfer's prayer--Lord may I live long enough to shoot my age.
- Golfers are the best swingers.
- The holes are numbered. (Jack Nicklaus, responding to the question 'You really know your way around a course. What's your secret?')
- I golf because the doctor told me to take 'iron' everyday.
- I golf because the doctor said to live on greens.
- I know I'm getting better at golf because I'm hitting fewer spectators. (President Gerald Ford)
- I never pray to God to make a putt. I pray to God to help me react good if I miss a putt. (Chi Chi Rodriguez)
- I regard golf as an expensive way of playing marbles. (G.K. Chesterton)
- If frustration and humiliation is your aim, then golf is your game.
- If I'm on the course and lightning starts, I get inside fast. If God wants to play through, let him. (Bob Hope)
- If you watch a game, it's fun.
If you play it, it's recreation.
If you work at it, it's golf. (Bob Hope)
- If it goes right, it's a slice,
if it goes left, it's a hook,
if it goes straight, it's a MIRACLE!
- If there is a ball in the fringe and a ball in the bunker, your ball is in the bunker. If both balls are in the bunker, yours is in the footprint.
- If you really want to get better at golf, go back and take it up at a much earlier age.
- The less skilled the player, the more likely he is to share his ideas about your golf swing.
- My body is here, but my mind has already teed off.
- One lesson you'd better learn if you want to be in politics is that you never go out on the golf course and beat the president. (Lyndon B. Johnson)
- The only problem with golf is that the slow people are always in front of you and the fast people always end up behind you.
- Real golfers, no matter what the provocation, never strike a caddie with the driver. The sand wedge is far more effective. (Huxtable Pippey)
- The shortest distance between any two points on a golf course is a straight line that passes directly through the center of a very large tree.
- There are two kinds of bounces: unfair bounces and bounces that are just the way you meant to play them.
- There is one thing in this world that is dumber than playing golf. That is watching someone else playing golf. What do you actually get to see? Thirty-seven guys in polyester slacks squinting at the sun. Doesn't that set your blood racing? (Peter Andrews)
- There's something intrinsically therapeutic about choosing to spend your time in a wide, open park-like setting that non-golfers can never truly understand. (Charles Rosin)
- They call it 'golf' because all the other four-letter words are taken.
- To Golf or Not to Golf? What a silly question.
- When you look up, causing an awful shot, you will always look down again at exactly the moment when you ought to start watching the ball if you ever want to see it again.
- You can hit a two-acre fairway ten percent of the time and a two-inch branch ninety percent of the time.
- You can't call it a sport. You don't run, you don't jump, you don't shoot, you don't pass. All you have to do is buy some clothes that don't match. (Steve Sax)
Golf Ball
Cut two circles of white paper (slightly off-white paper with texture works well), the same size. Punch one all over with a small round paper punch. Put the punched circle on top of the plain circle. Looks amazingly like a real golf ball. (Jean Gifford)
Golf Can be a Real Drag
A golfer's wife was very upset when he showed up four hours late for Sunday dinner after a golf match.
His explanation went like this: "We got on the first tee at 8 o'clock and still had to wait an hour before we could start. On the second green Charlie keeled over and it looked like a heart attack. I ran to the clubhouse, tried to get a doctor, couldn't get one. Tried the cops and ambulance service but nobody answered. So I hurried back, and for the rest of the game it was hit the ball . . . drag Charlie . . . hit the ball . . . drag Charlie . . .
That Hurt!
A women was playing golf one Saturday morning. She teed off and watched in horror as her ball headed directly toward a foursome of men playing the next hole.
The ball hit one of the men and he immediately clasped his hands together at his crotch, fell to the ground and rolled around in agony.
The woman rushed to the man and said earnestly "I'm a physical therapist and I know I could relieve your pain if you'd allow me".
"Ooh, no, I'll be fine in a minute", he replied breathlessly, his hands still clasped together at his crotch.
But she persisted, and he finally said she could help. She gently took his hands away and laid them to the side, she loosened his pants, and put her hands inside and began to massage him. She then asked, "How does that feel?
He replied: "It feels great, but my thumb still hurts like the dickens."
Teed Off
The preacher and his friend had teed off. The friend missed a three-foot putt for his birdie and swore under his breath. At the third hole, he missed another easy putt. "Damn! Missed again," he muttered. On the seventh hole, he did it again. "Damn! Another miss!" he groaned. The preacher kept giving his friend reproachful glances but said nothing.
They started out on the back nine. On the tenth hole the ball just missed the cup. "Damn! Missed again!"
"Look!" cried the preacher, "I'm tired of your swearing. If you do it again, I'm going to call on the Lord to strike you."
Yeah, yeah, thought the friend as he teed off on the eleventh. The rest of his putts were accurate until the last hole. A five-footer rolled up to within an inch of the cup and stopped right there. "Damn, damn, damn! Missed again!"
A huge black cloud formed overhead and rolled around for a few seconds. Then a lightening bolt whizzed down from the sky and zapped the preacher. The friend gaped in amazement as the clouds opened up and disappeared. Then a sepulchral voice came from nowhere: "Damn! Missed again!"
Songs about Golf
- 19th Hole - Nick Costner (2008)
- Ain't Golf Grand - Brian Hall (2006)
- Golf Ball Shuffle - Earthshoe (1986)
- Golf, Golf, Golf - Archie Campbell (1966)
- Golf is Groovy - Parry Grip (2005)
- Golf is Such an Easy Game - Glen Everhart (2007)
- I Like Golf - Royce Aube (2006)
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Page Toppers
- 40-Love
- Game After Game, I'm Having Fun
Tennis Players are Number One
- Point-Set-Match
- Tennis Anyone?
- Tennis Begins With Love!
- Tennis is My Racquet
- Tennis Players Have Bounce!
- Tennis Serves My Purpose
- Tennis! You Gotta 'lub' it!
- Champions keep playing until they get it right. (Billie Jean King)
- The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I'll never be as good as a wall. (Mitch Hedberg)
- I'll let the racket do the talking. (John McEnroe)
- If you can react the same way to winning and losing, that's a big accomplishment...quality is important because it stays with you the rest of your life, and there's going to be a life after tennis that's a lot longer than your tennis life. (Chris Evert Lloyd)
- Tennis: a racquet sport in which two players compete to see who has the shortest temper, the worst memory, the poorest eyesight, and the slowest watch.
- Tennis players love getting into the swing of things.
- Tennis is more than just a sport. It's an art, like the ballet. Or like a performance in the theater. When I step on the court I feel like Anna Pavlova. Or like Adelina Patti. Or even like Sarah Bernhardt. I see the footlights in front of me. I hear the whisperings of the audience. I feel an icy shudder. Win or die! Now or never! It's the crisis of my life. (Bill Tilden)
- Tennis is a perfect combination of violent action taking place in an atmosphere of total tranquillity. (Billie Jean King)
- Tennis players have the advantage.
- Tennis players love getting into the swing of things!
- When you lose a couple of times, it makes you realize how difficult it is to win. (Steffi Graf)
- Page Idea: Cut a gold circle in half using a wavy edge ruler and it will look like a tennis ball.
Tennis Strategy
(Arnold J. Zarett)
Though your game is hardly the best
You can fray your opponent's nerves
By methodically bouncing the ball
At least ten times before your serves.
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Skating and Skateboarding 
It has been many years since I skated and I have never skateboarded so if anyone has suggestions for this section please let me know.
Page Toppers
- All Skate
- Acid Drop
- Alley-oop
- Backside
- Backwards Only
- Couples Skate
- Big Spin
- Disaster
- Drop In
- Fakie
- Figure Eights
- Flip
- Free Style
- Frontside
- Goofy
- Grand March
- Heelflip
- Kickflip
- Nollie
- Ollie
- One-Eighty
- Road Rash
- RockAndRoll
- Rollin'
- Shift Kick
- Three-Sixty
- Trios
Quotes and Info
- If the good Lord had intended us to walk he wouldn't have invented roller-skates. (from Willy Wonka)
- Rollerblades were the first commercially successful in-line Roller Skates. Minnesota students Scott and Brennan Olson invented them in 1980, when they were looking for a way to practice Hockey during the off-season. Their design was an ice hockey boot with three inline wheels instead of a blade.
- Things related to ice skating are in the Winter Sports file
Skinny Boxes
(Jackie Kincaid)
Someone's knocking at my door
I leave the mop right on the floor.
Mr. Mark the mailman with a box!
Oh boy, maybe for ME, this rocks!
Return address reads "The West Coast?!"
Oh my word, what I fear most!
It can't be, no!
Tell me it's not true!
Why does he need another one?
I have no clue!
Maybe the old ones are too slow?
Could he hate the pictures on the old decks?
They're boring or scratched, they look like heck?
Maybe they're just not "cool" enough
Actually, I think he just needs more "stuff."
It doesn't matter what the reason
'cause it's not going to stop, no matter the season.
Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall
Skinny boxes, waiting, standing so tall.
Songs about Skating and Skateboarding
- Sidewalk Surfboard - Floyd Robinson (1966)
- Sidewalk Surfin' Scene - The Buddies (1965)
- Skate Board - The Sidewalk Surfers (1965)
- Skate Key - Dante's Inferno (1979)
- Skateaway - Dire Straits (1981)
- Skateboard Craze - Willie and the Wheels (1965)
- Skateboard, U.S.A. - The Buddies (1965)
- Skater's Waltz - Mark O'Connor (1979)
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