This file includes bridges, cars and driving, roads and miles, parking, vehicle ABC list, and song titles about buses, subway, and taxis.
Also see Driving Humor, Travel, Car Racing, Road and Highway Song Lists, Vehicle Song Lists, and Biking.
(author unknown)
Once I dreamed of my own car,
That would take me very far.
Once I had it, it was clear,
I was definitely staying here.
Putting around, puffing smoke,
My beautiful car was really a joke!
My car was ugly in others' eyes,
But I fit in with all the guys.
I was the coolest one in town,
Driving this clunker all around.
Use a wavy ruler to draw three lines around a page or two-page spread (the two outside lines are solid and center one is dashed so it looks like a road). Adjust the lines so the corners line up. Arrange vehicle related stickers along the road. Use the title "Thursday's child has far to go". (Dona C. CMC)
(Reba McEntire, written by Tim Nichols and Mark D. Sanders.
© EMI Blackwood Music/Tyland Music. From "What If It's You?", © 1997, MCA.)
My cousin's gettin' married at the Methodist church,
That's why I stayed home from work.
I'm supposed to hold the flowers,
When the new bride kisses the groom.
That's what I'm supposed to do.
So what are we doin' with the windows rolled down,
Twenty-five passionate miles from town?
Oh, I love her like a sister,
Baby, but to tell you the truth,
I'd rather ride around with you.
The guy she's gonna marry's got money to burn,
His daddy's a partner in some big law firm.
Yeah, that's how they're goin',
To Hawaii on their honeymoon.
First class to Honolulu,
She's never even set foot on a jet.
I'm a little bit jealous I confess,
I'd like to fly to Hawaii.
But honey, if I had to choose,
Oh, I'd rather ride around with you.
I don't care where this road goes,
No I don't wanna turn around.
Let go of the wheel, feel the wind blow,
Don't even think about slowin' down.
They're tyin' tin cans to the back of the car,
Wonderin' where in the world we are.
The preacher's done prayin',
And the couple's done sayin': "I do."
That could be me and you.
There's way too many decisions to make,
The length of the dress,
The layers on the cake.
Oh, one of these days I might get married too,
But I'd rather ride around with you.
(Joy Belle Burgess)
This covered bridge, quaint and weatherworn,
Still lends its dignity and charm
To the quiet country road
That winds past meadowland and farm.
And within the stream's full melody
That echoes against its darkened walls,
It hears the tramplings of a yesteryear
Faintly above the waters' splash and fall.
And still resound the clopping hooves
Against its heavy planks;
The creaking wheels of loaded carts,
And laughter along the sun-drenched banks.
Even yet it heeds the low sweet song
Of a bygone day's rememberings,
When a swaying hay cart left its drifts
And farmers tarried to talk of crops and things.
This covered bridge, quaint and weather-worn,
Still stands with dignity and charm,
Though its split and seasoned timbers
Shelter only blackbirds that fly 'tween field and farm
And glints of sunlight are all that move
Across its timeworn planks . . . but still it hears
Above the waters' splash and fall,
Faint echoings of long-remembered years.
(author unknown)
What stories could these bridges tell
If they could only talk?
They'd tell us of the ones who rode
And those who had to walk,
The rich, the poor . . . those in-between
Who used their planks to cross,
The soldiers, farmers, businessmen
In buggies, sleighs, by 'hoss',
Like sentinels these bridges stand
In spite of flood and fire,
Their rugged, stalwart strength remains
Our future to inspire.
(by Reginald V. Darow)
Straight and white, in the hot sunlight,
The high road stretches far;
I hear the beat of tramping feet,
Where the many travelers are;
But my thoughts today fly far, far away
To a little winding road I knew,
For my road is the old road,
Where the sun lies warm and still,
And my road is a by road
That winds up over a hill.
O, the high road is a long road,
Where the weary wayfarers roam,
But I will take the little winding road
That leads the wanderer home!
Many a mile I have traveled the while,
Through many a vale and town;
But weary am I with the night drawing nigh,
When the sun is going down!
But on I'll go through the after-glow,
Till the old crossroads I see.
For my road is the old road,
that my fathers used to climb,
And my road is a by-road,
That I took in the olden time!
O, the high road is a long road,
Where the weary wayfarers roam;
But I will take that little winding road
That leads the wanderer home!
(J. R. R. Tolkien)
Roads go ever on and on,
Over rock and under tree,
By caves where sun has never shone,
By streams that never find the sea;
Over snow by winter sown,
And through the merry flowers of June,
Over grass and over stone,
And under mountains in the moon.
See this file.
back to top of pageI pulled into a crowded parking lot and rolled down the car windows to make sure my Labrador Retriever had fresh air. She was stretched out on the back seat, and I wanted to impress upon her that she must remain there. I walked to the curb backward, pointing my finger at the car and saying emphatically, "Now you stay. Do you hear me? Stay!"
The driver of a nearby car gave me a startled look. "I don't know about you, lady," he said incredulously. "But I usually just put my car in park."
(compiled by Denny Davis)
Leslie McIntire made an ABC album for her son with a different vehicle on each page. He was in a lot of the pictures. I expanded the list by collecting ideas from message boards and various websites.
I would use a theme--like trucks or race cars--for the main photo on each page (preferably with the recipient in it). I would complete the page with other photos, stickers, clipart, car graphics, etc. Take photos at a car race, car show, dealership, or of friends vehicles, etc. Include the names of race car drivers, tracks, dealerships, trucking companies, car parts, highways, etc.
A - Acadia, Accura, airport fire truck, Alfa Romeo, all-wheel drive, ambulance, amphibious vehicle, Aries, Armored Car, Aston Martin, ATV, Audi, Austin
B - back hoe, Beetle, Bentley, Benz, big rig, bike, BMW, Bobcat, Boom Truck, Bristol, Bronco, buckle up!, Buick, bulldozer, bumper car, bus
C - cab, cable car, Capri, Cadillac, car seat, Caravan, Caterpillar, Cavalier, cement truck, Century, Chevrolet, Chevy, chief's car, Chrysler, Civic, classic car, Cobra, convertible, Corvair, Corvette, Cougar, coupe, Crane, Cultivator
D - Daewoo, Daimler, Dart, Datsun, De Lorean, De Soto, diesel, dirt bike, Dodge, driver, Dually, Duesenberg, dump truck, dune buggy, Durango
E - Echo, Edsel, 18-wheeler, El Dorado, Engine, Escort, Esteem, Excalibur, excavator, Explorer,
F - Falcon, Ferrari, Fiat, Fiero, fire truck, flatbed, Focus, Ford, forklift, Formula One, Frazer, Freightliner, front loader
G - garage, garbage truck, gas, Gator, Geo, Ginetta, GM, GMC, go-cart, golf cart, grader, green light
H - half ton, hard top, hay wagon, Hemi, highway, Honda, hot rod, Horch, Hummer, Hyundai
I - ice cream truck ,Impala, Integra, International Harvester, Impreza, Infiniti, Insight, Intrepid, Isuzu
J - Jaguar, Japanese imports, jalopy, Jeep, Jensen, Jetta, John Deere
K - K car, Kaiser, Kamatsu, Kawasaki, Kenworth, KIA, King Cab, Kodiak, Kubota
L - ladder truck, Lamborghini, Lancia, Lariat, lawn tractor, Legacy, Lexus, Lincoln, Limo, logging truck, Lotus, Lumina
M - Maserati, Maxima, Mazda, Mercedes, Mercury, Messerschmitt, M.G. Morgan, Miata, Midget, Mini, Mirage, Mitsubishi, Montclair, monster truck, Morris, motorcycle, motor home, Murray, Mustang, MVS, Mystique
N - NASCAR, news truck, Neon, Nissan, Nova
O - Odyssey, off-road truck, Oil Tanker, Oldsmobile, One-Way, Opel
P - pace car, Packard, Passat, Pathfinder, Peterbuilt, Peugeot, Pick-up, Pinto, Plymouth, police car, Pontiac, Porsche, Prelude, Probe, pumper
Q - quad, Quantum, Quest
R - race car, Ranger, red light, Renault, REO, Road Runner, Rolls-Royce, Rover, R.V.
S - Saab, Sable, Saturn, Scraper, sedan, semi, Sentra, snowmobile, snowplow, Sonoma, Sprite, station wagon, stop, Studebaker, Stutz, Subaru, subway, Super Sport, SUV, Suzuki
T - Tacoma, Tahoe, Talbot, tanker, Taurus, taxi, Thunderbird, tires, tools, tow truck, Toyota, Tracker, tractor, trailer, traffic, train, Triumph, Tucker, tunnel
U - Ultima, UPS truck, USPS truck, utility truck
V - V-8, Valiant, van, Vauxhall, Viper, Vitara, Volkswagen, Volvo, Voyager, VW
W - water truck, wheels, White Star, Wildcat, Windstar, woody, wrecker
X - Fed-Ex truck, Xr4ti
Y - Yamaha, yellow cab, yellow light, yellow school bus, yield right of way, yield sign, Yugo, Yukon
Z - Z28, zamboni, Zephyr, zoo cart, zoo train, 'Zoom Zoom', ZX2