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Week-Long Events Month-Long Events
Flower - Violet (signifies faithfulness and purity)
Alternate Flowers - Iris, Primrose
Birthstone - Amethyst (signifies sincerity and tranquility)
Name Origin - named after Februa, the Roman festival of purification
February 1
Baked Alaska Day
Skippy Peanut Butter Day - Skippy peanut butter was first sold on this day in 1933.
Robinson Crusoe Day - The anniversary of the day Scottish sailor, Alexander Selkirk, was rescued in 1709. He is believed to be the inspiration for Daniel Defoe's book, Robinson Crusoe.
National Freedom Day - This was designated by President Harry Truman in 1948. It is the anniversary of the day in 1865 when President Abraham Lincoln signed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution to outlaw slavery.
Canadian Mounties Day - The Royal Canadian Mounted Police was created on this day in 1920 when the Royal Northwest Mounted Police merged with the Dominion Police.
National Girls and Women in Sports Day 2023 (first Wednesday)
February 2
Groundhog Day - See Groundhog.org.
Self-Renewal Day - See 8 Ways to Make Time for Self-Renewal. I would list them here but I don't have time ;-)
National League Birthday - The National League was formed on this day in 1875. See Baseball Scrapbook Ideas.
GI Joe's Birthday (created in 1964)
Grand Central Station Anniversary - Grand Central Station opened on this day in 1913 in New York City. Technically Grand Central Station was the name of the terminal after it was rebuilt in 1900 from the original Grand Central Depot. After extensive rebuilding between 1903 and 1913 the new building was designated as Grand Central Terminal. However, among the general public the old name stuck.
National Girls and Women in Sports Day 2022 (first Wednesday)
February 3
Artist Appreciation Day - See Art Scrapbook Ideas.
Carrot Cake Day
Halfway Point of Winter - This is a day to celebrate the fact that spring is coming closer every day. See Winter Scrapbook Ideas.
Signing of the Endangered Species Act - The Endangered Species Act was signed on this day in 1973.
The Day the Music Died - On this day in 1959 Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and the Big Bopper died in a plane crash.
Give Kids a Smile® Day 2023 (first Friday)
Wear Red Day 2023 (first Friday) - See Go Red for Women for info about this campaign to fight heart disease and stroke.
February 4
Homemade Soup Day
Stuffed Mushroom Day - I have never had the patience to stuff a mushroom, but have eaten some very good ones in restaurants.
Thank a Mail Carrier Day - See Postal Worker Poems and Quotes.
USO Anniversary Day - The USO was incorporated on this day in 1941 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. See USO.org.
Birthday of Charles Lindbergh - Famous aviator Charles Lindbergh was born on this day in 1902.
Give Kids a Smile® Day 2022 (first Friday)
Wear Red Day 2022 (first Friday) - See Go Red for Women for info about this campaign to fight heart disease and stroke.
February 5
Chocolate Fondue Day - See Fondue Recipes and Chocolate Poems and Quotes.
Birthday of Hank Aaron - Aaron, born in 1934, hit 755 home runs in one season, back when the seasons were considerably shorter than they are today. See Baseball Scrapbook Ideas.
Belle Starr Day - This notorious outlaw was born Myra Maybelle Shirley on this day in 1848 in Carthage, Missouri. Her mother was a Hatfield from the infamous Hatfield-McCoy feuds. Belle was acquainted with both the Younger and the James brothers. See WikipediA for more info.
National Weatherperson's Day - See Weather Poems and Quotes.
Aerial Victory Day - The first aerial victory by the U.S. military happened on this day in 1918 when Stephen Thompson shot down a German plane.
February 6
National Frozen Yogurt Day
Massachusetts Admission Day - Massachusetts became the 6th state in 1788. See Massachusetts Poems and Quotes.
Birthday of President Ronald Reagan (born in 1911) - He was the fortieth president.
February 7
Fettuccine Alfredo Day
Send a Card to a Friend Day - See Friendship Poems and Quotes.
Birthday of Laura Ingalls Wilder - Wilder was born on this day in 1867. Her series of books about her childhood became the popular TV series Little House on the Prairie. See Little House - Big Adventure.
Dump Your Significant Jerk Day - I was separated from my ex-husband for a few years before I got divorced. At that time I had never heard the term 'significant jerk' so I referred to him as my 'insignificant other'. (I never said it in front of him but it was still mean. However, after 35 years of wasting my time trying to make the marriage work, I was pretty bitter.) See Divorce Scrapbook Ideas.
February 8
Smiles are Contagious Day - See Smile Poems and Quotes.
Boy Scout Anniversary - Boy Scouts was founded in 1910. See Scouting Scrapbook Ideas.
Rebel Day - James Dean, the original 'rebel', was born on this day in 1931. See his Official Website.
February 9
Bagels and Lox Day - See How to Prepare Bagels and Lox.
Weather Day - See Weather Poems and Quotes.
Develop Alternative Vices Day - I think the purpose of this is to change your bad habits by substituting something that is better for you. For example, if you can't stop eating between meals at least eat something that is good for you. Or if you are a compulsive shopper, shop at Dollar Tree.
Birthday of President William Henry Harrison (born in 1773) - He was the ninth president.
February 10
Gold Record Day - The first gold record was awarded to Glenn Miller on this day in 1942 for Chattanooga Choo Choo.
Umbrella Day - See Umbrellas on WikipediA. Also see Rain Poems and Quotes.
YWCA Birthday - The Young Women's Christian Association was founded in 1870.
February 11
Make a New Friend Day - See Friendship on WikipediA.
Also see Friendship Scrapbook Ideas.
National Shut-in Visitation Day - If you know a shut-in please take time to visit them today. Even a few minutes of conversation can brighten they day for someone who is unable to get out and about.
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day - Crying over spilled milk only makes it salty for the cat.
Grandmother Achievement Day - Whether your grandmother bakes the best cookies in the world or is a corporate attorney, this would be a good day to tell her how proud you are of her.
Be Electrific Day - This was created by Carolyn Finch in 1998 to celebrate Thomas Edison's birthday. Edison was born on this day in 1847.
Inventors Day - Have family or friends write down what they think are the five most important inventions of the past fifty years. Try to imagine what life would be like without them.
February 12
Chocolate Day - See Chocolate Poems and Quotes.
National Lost Penny Day - Put all those pennies that you have collected, or that have accumulated around your house, back into circulation by donating them to a worthy cause.
Darwin Day - Charles Darwin was born on this day 1809 in England. He was a biologist, naturalist and geologist. He is best known for his contributions to the science of evolution.
Birthday of President Abraham Lincoln (born in 1809) - He was the sixteenth president. See the Lincoln Library website
Superbowl Sunday 2023 (second Sunday) - See Football Scrapbook Ideas.
National Popcorn Day 2023 (on Superbowl Sunday) - Make popcorn in a pan instead of the microwave. Using the fireplace would be even better. See The Popcorn Board and Popcorn Poems.
World Marriage Day 2023 (second Sunday) - See Worldwide Marriage Encounter, the sponsor of World Marriage Day, and Marriage Poems and Quotes.
February 13
I Value Your Friendship Day - See Friendship on WikipediA.
Also see Friendship Scrapbook Ideas.
National Tortellini Day
First Public School Day - The first public school in America was established in 1635 in Boston.
Superbowl Sunday 2022 (second Sunday) - See Football Scrapbook Ideas.
National Popcorn Day 2022 (on Superbowl Sunday) - Make popcorn in a pan instead of the microwave. Using the fireplace would be even better. See The Popcorn Board and Popcorn Poems.
February 14
Valentine's Day - See Valentine Scrapbook Ideas.
QuirkyAlone Day - If you are single, go to Quirkyalone and take the quiz. My score was 87--very quirky alone. (A quirkyalone is someone who enjoys being single but is not opposed to having a relationship. They would rather be alone than to date just for the sake of dating.)
National Call in Single Day - This can be a difficult day at work for those of us without a 'significant other'. Seeing flowers delivered and hearing evening plans discussed can bring sadness. Sympathetic looks and remarks only make it worse. You can try to ignore it, but wearing red and acting cheerful will help keep the sympathetic looks at bay. You might also ask other singles to join you in a celebration of your freedom to do as you please and have a fun evening.
Ferris Wheel Day - See Amusement Park Scrapbook Ideas.
ENIAC Anniversary - ENIAC was completed in 1946, after taking almost three years to build. It weighed 28 tons and was very much slower than computers today.
Have a Heart Day - Try to eat more heart-healthy foods.
Organ and Tissue Donor Day - Some people who would like to donate their organs fail to communicate that to their family because they don't like to talk about (or think about) their own death. Try to think about all the lives that you may be saving. See OrganDonor.gov.
Arizona Admission Day - Arizona became the 48th state in 1912.
See Arizona Poems and Quotes.
Oregon Admission Day - Oregon became the 33rd state in 1859. See Oregon Poems and Quotes.
February 15
Burger Lovers Day - Celebrate with take-out or make your own using these Hamburger Recipes.
National Gumdrop Day
Clifford the Big Red Dog Birthday - Norman Bridwell's first Clifford the Big Red Dog book was published on this day in 1963. (Some sources say September 5, 1963.)
Sticky Stamp Day - The Post Office first used adhesive postage stamps on this day in 1842. See Postal Worker Poems and Quotes.
Galileo Day - Galileo Galilei (astronomer, physicist, and engineer) was born on this day in 1564. See The Galileo Project.
Birthday of Susan B. Anthony - This civil rights activist was born on this day in 1820. See Susan B. Anthony House.
Battleship Day - See Navy Poems and Quotes.
February 16
Do a Grouch a Favor Day - Then maybe they won't be grouchy any more.
Almond Day - If you live in California you should be seeing almond trees in full bloom right about now.
911 Day - The first 911 call was placed on this day in 1968 in Haleyville, Alabama. That call was not an emergency but a call set up to introduce the system to the news media. Since that time millions of people have found 911 to be a lifeline.
Nylon Day - Nylon was patented in 1937 by DuPont.
February 17
Random Acts of Kindness Day - See Random Acts of Kindness on WikipediA. Also see Kindness Poems and Quotes.
PTA Founders Day (started in 1910) - The original name of the group was the National Congress of Mothers and was changed to the National Congress of Parents and Teachers in 1925.
Women's Heart Health Day 2023 (Friday in same week as Valentines Day) - See WomanHeart.
February 18
Thumb Appreciation Day - See Hand and Finger Poems and Quotes.
Pluto Day - The planet Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930. In 2006 Pluto was demoted to 'dwarf planet' after the criteria for being considered a planet was redefined.
Dale Earnhardt Remembrance Day - Dale Earnhardt died on this day in 2001 at the Daytona 500. See Racing Poems and Quotes.
February 19
Cherry Coke Day - Cherry Coke was first sold bottled in 1985 but had been available for many years at drugstore soda fountains and restaurants (including a small diner I worked in around 1963).
National Chocolate Mint Day
Crackerjacks Prize Day - The first time there was a prize in a Crackerjacks box was on this day in 1913.
Temporary Insanity Day - Some of us would like to see this holiday occur much more frequently to avoid having to come up with reasonable explanations for our actions.
Iwo Jima Day - This is observed in Massachusetts. This was the first day of the Battle of Iwo Jima in which the United States captured Iwo Jima from Japan.
February 20
Cherry Pie Day - See Dessert Poems and Quotes.
Love Your Pet Day - See Pet Scrapbook Ideas.
Clean Out Your Bookcase Day (started in 1985) - Since I love books I always had more books than bookcase space. There were books I thought I might want to re-read someday and those I hadn't read yet. But when I went to work at a library, I realized that almost every book ever written is in a library somewhere and could be requested through your local library. I made a list of my books for future reference and donated most of them to the Friends of the Library book sale.
Adams Day - The photographer and environmentalist was born on this day in 1902. See The Ansel Adams Gallery.
Student Volunteer Day - See Volunteering Poems and Quotes.
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day - See Engineer Poems and Quotes.
Toothpick Day - According to Wikipedia, teeth of Neanderthals show evidence of some type of picking tool. However, a machine to make toothpicks was not developed until 1869 by Charles Foster. Another machine was patented in 1872 by Silas Noble and J.P. Cooley.
Post Office Anniversary - On this day in 1792 President Washington signed the act that created the U.S. Post Office. See the Smithsonian National Postal Museum for info about the history of the Post Office as well as games and puzzles for all ages. Also see Postal Worker Poems and Quotes.
Orbit Day - John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth in 1962.
Presidents Day 2023 (third Monday) - This was first celebrated 22 Feb 1880 to honor the birthday of President George Washington. In 1971, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act changed it to the third Monday in February. Today Presidents Day honors both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
February 21
Sticky Bun Day - We need to have this day more often!
Single-Tasking Day - See Now Do This, and the Single-Tasking Philosophy. It sounds interesting but unfortunately right now I am doing three things at once so don't have time to read about it!
Locomotive Day - In 1804 the first steam-engine locomotive was used in Wales. It went nine miles in two hours hauling ten tons of iron, seventy men and five wagons. See The History of Railroad Innovations.
Presidents Day 2022 (third Monday) - This was first celebrated 22 Feb 1880 to honor the birthday of President George Washington. In 1971, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act changed it to the third Monday in February. Today Presidents Day honors both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
International Pancake Day 2023 (Tuesday before Ash Wednesday) - This is an annual competition between the women of Liberal, Kansas and the women of Olney, England.
February 22
Be Humble Day - Being humble is one of my best qualities ;-)
Golf America Day - Golf was first played in the U.S. in 1888. See Golf.com and Golf Scrapbook Ideas.
Georgian Calendar Day - The Georgian Calendar replaced the Julian Calendar in 1582 in most countries.
World Thinking Day - This is a day for Girl Scouts to think about meaning of scouting and about Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in other countries.
Birthday of President George Washington (born in 1732) - He was the first president. Also see the Mount Vernon website.
Ash Wednesday 2023 - Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent and is forty-six days before Easter. See WikipediA for more info.
Spay Day USA 2022 (last Tuesday) - There are many pets without homes so it is very important to spay and neuter your pets. Many areas have low-cost options.
Inconvenience Yourself Day 2023 (fourth Wednesday) - See How to Celebrate Inconvenience Yourself.
February 23
Banana Bread Day
Tootsie Roll Day (first made in 1896) - The original Tootsie Rolls were hand made in a small candy store that eventually became Tootsie Roll Industries. They were named after the maker's daughter whose nickname was Tootsie.
Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day - Show your dog some appreciation by giving him or her an extra dog biscuit. See Dog Scrapbook Ideas.
Chili Day 2023 (last Thursday)
February 24
National Tortilla Chip Day
Nylon Toothbrush Day - The first toothbrush with nylon bristles went on sale on this day in 1938.
National Trading Card Day
Birthday of Steven Jobs (born in 1955) - He was the co-founder of Apple Computer.
Obnoxious Day - I am not sure why anyone started a day like this. Over the past several years obnoxiousness has became much more prevalent - definitely not something to celebrate.
Chili Day 2022 (last Thursday)
February 25
Cuddle Day
Let's All Eat Right Day - Adelle Davis, well-known early nutritionist, was born on this day in 1904.
Pistol Patent Day - Samuel Colt patented the revolver. See Gun Poems and Quotes.
February 26
Tell a Fairy Tale Day - I hope everyone who has any connection to children will celebrate this day by reading or telling a fairy tale. Many fairy tales give life lessons in addition to being entertaining.
Birthday of Levi Strauss - Strauss, born in 1829, invented denim jeans. I have spent at least part of about ninety percent of my days in denim for 63 years. It would be a hundred percent if not for job and social requirements. See Denim Poems and Quotes.
National Pistachio Day - Search Recipe Land for pistachio.
February 27
No-Brainer Day - This is a day to do simple chores that require no thought to leave your brain free to wander where it will.
Polar Bear Day - See Bear Poems and Quotes.
Aspirin's Birthday - Salicylic has been extracted from plants and used as a medicine since ancient times. As far back as the 1700's scientists sought ways to extract salicin from willow bark. In the late 1800's they started looking for a substitute with less side-effects. Aspirin in it's present form was first patented in the United States by Bayer on this day in 1900. See The History of Aspirin.
Birthday of Ralph Nadar - Political activist, Ralph Nadar, was born on this day in 1934.
Mardi Gras Birthday - According to some sources the first Mardi Gras was held in New Orleans on this day in 1827.
February 28
Car Keys and Small Change Day - What would we do with our car keys and change if pockets had not been invented. There is no way to know who invented pockets or when. Most likely several different people came up with the idea independently.
Floral Design Day - This was designated by Governor William F. Weld of Massachusetts in 1995. It is the birthday of Carl Rittner, founder of The Rittners School of Floral Design in Boston. See Floral Design Day.
Tooth Fairy Day - (also celebrated August 22) - See Tooth Fairy Poems and Quotes.
DNA Discovery Day - On this day in 1953 James Watson of the US and Francis Crick of the UK determined the shape and structure of DNA to be a double helix.
Spay Day USA 2023 (last Tuesday)
February 29
Bachelors Day - This is the one day during leap year that a woman can't propose to a man.
Leap Day - Once every four years the calendar needs an extra day to realign with the universe.
Yellowstone Park Day - Yellowstone became the first National Park in 1892.
Liquid Helium Day - Helium was first liquefied on this day in 1908.
back to top of pageMonth-Long Events
Random Acts of Kindness Month - See Random Acts of Kindness on WikipediA. Also see Kindness Poems and Quotes.
National Boost Your Self-Esteem Month - See self-help tips on building self-esteem on the PositivityBlog.
Creative Romance Month
Relationship Wellness Month - See Wellness.com.
International Friendship Month - See Friendship on WikipediA.
Also see Friendship Scrapbook Ideas.
National Embroidery Month - There are many free how-to instructions available online. Also see Sewing Poems and Quotes.
Get Inspired Month - If you are stuck on a project try taking a step back. Read books or browse the web for ideas or brainstorm with friends or family members.
Library Lovers Month - Library Poems and Quotes.
Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month - This is a time to plan a change for the better - whether for your life, your family or your community. Then put those plans into action a step at a time.
Primrose Month - See How to Grow Primroses and Flower Poems and Quotes.
Violet Month - See How to Grow African Violets and Flower Poems and Quotes.
National Cat Health Month - See CatHealth.com. Also see Cat Scrapbook Ideas.
Responsible Pet Owner Month - See Pet Scrapbook Ideas.
National Wild Bird Feeding Month - See Bird Poems and Quotes.
American History Month - See US History.org.
Black History Month
Expect Success Month - See Success Poems and Quotes.
Time Management Month
Bake for Family Fun Month - It can be messy to get children involved in baking but it is fun and they learn a lot. There are many simple recipes available online. See Baking Poems and Quotes.
Canned Food Month
National Cherry Pie Month - See Fruit Poems and Quotes.
Chocolate Lovers Month - See Chocolate Poems and Quotes.
National Grapefruit Month - My favorite way to eat grapefruit is to put some brown sugar and a little butter on the top of half a grapefruit and broil for a few minutes. See Fruit Poems and Quotes.
Hot Breakfast Month - Breakfast is my favorite meal to eat out. When I go out for lunch I often go to places like Village Inn and IHOP, that serve breakfast all day.
Pie Month - I love pie and enjoy baking pies. My favorites are French apple pie and rhubarb crumb pie.
Potato Lovers Month - See this large collection of Potato Recipes.
National Snack Food Month - A lot of snacks are bad for you but here are some Healthy Snack Recipes.
Sweet Potato Month - For holiday meals I usually make an apple-sweet potato casserole. For an everyday meal, I bake a sweet potato in the microwave, then mash it with a fork along with some butter and brown sugar.
National Children's Dental Health Month - See Teeth Poems and Quotes.
Low Vision Awareness Month - See Prevent Blindness.org.
Macular Degeneration Awareness Month
Sleep Safety Month
National Caffeine Addiction Awareness Month
Cancer Prevention Month - Designated by the U.S. Senate in 2004. See Onco Link, The American Cancer Society, People Living With Cancer and HPV Info.
Heart Health Month - See The American Heart Association.
Kids E.N.T. (Ears, Nose, Throat) Month - See Ear Scrapbook Ideas and Nose Poems and Quotes.
Marfan Syndrome Awareness Month - See The National Marfan Foundation.
Wise Health Consumer Month
Women's Heart Health Month - See WomanHeart.
Week-Long Events
Pancake Week
(week before Ash Wednesday)
A lot of people like plain pancakes but if you want to spice things up a little try adding one or more of these things: vanilla, extra sugar, vanilla, cocoa powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, mini-chocolate chips, berries, chopped apples, raisins, etc. With some ingredients it works better to put some batter on the grill and sprinkle the extra on the top before turning.
Women's Heart Health Week
(first week)
See WomanHeart and The American Heart Association.
Solo Diners Eat Out Week
If you have the power to eat alone at a table for two, you can do anything.
Children's authors and Illustrators Week
(first week)
The Children's Authors Network website has info about children's authors, some with email links.
National Pay Your Bills Week
(first week)
This was designated by Governor Harold LeVander of Minnesota in 1970. It was created in 1968 by The Association of Credit and Collection Professionals for the purpose of better educating consumers on how to manage their finances.
Burn Awareness Week
(first full week)
See The American Burn Association.
National School Counseling Week
(first full week)
School counselors have the opportunity to recognize a child's problem before it becomes serious.
International Coaching Week
(first full week)
See Coach Scrapbook Ideas.
Boy Scout Anniversary Week
(first full week)
See Scouting Scrapbook Ideas.
Pride in Food Service Week
(first full work week)
This was designated by the Association of Nutrition and Foodservice Professionals.
Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week
See Congenital Heart Defects.
Flirting Week
(week of Valentines Day)
See Dating Scrapbook Ideas.
National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Week
(week of Valentines Day)
If you know a hospitalized veteran please visit them. If you don't know a hospitalized veteran you will still be welcome as a volunteer at a veteran's hospital. See Poems and Quotes about veterans.
Children of Alcoholics Week
(week of Valentines Day)
Cardiac Rehabilitation Week
(week of Valentines Day)
See The American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
Celebration of Love Week
(week of Valentines Day)
See Love Poems and Quotes.
Cardiovascular Professionals Week
(week of Valentines Day)
See The American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Week
(second week)
See Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy.
Homes for Birds Week®
(second week)
Clean out your bird houses and put up new ones. See Bird Poems and Quotes.
National Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week
(second full week)
See National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Heart Failure Awareness Week
(second full week)
See The Heart Failure Society of America.
Random Acts of Kindness Week
(week starting the second Monday)
See Random Acts of Kindness on WikipediA and Kindness Poems and Quotes.
Love Your Pet Week
(third week)
See Pet Scrapbook Ideas.
Golf Week
(third week)
See Golf.com and Golf Scrapbook Ideas.
International Friendship Week
(third full week)
See Friendship on WikipediA.
Also see Friendship Scrapbook Ideas.
Future Farmers of America Week
(week starting the third Saturday)
See The National FFA Organization and Farming Scrapbook Ideas.
Great Backyard Bird Count Weekend
(Friday - Monday) (18-21, 2022 - date varies by year)
See The Great Backyard Bird Count and Birds Poems and Quotes.
Second Honeymoon Weekend
(Friday to Sunday of the week including Valentine's Day)
Engineering Week
(week including Washington's Birthday)
President George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. See The National Society of Professional Engineers® and Engineer Poems and Quotes.
Nostalgia Week
(fourth week)
Eating Disorders Awareness Week
(week starting the last Sunday)
If you suspect someone in your family has an eating disorder, do some research or talk to a doctor so you will have the info you need to discuss it with them.
Telecommuter Appreciation Week
(week starting the last Sunday)
This was designated by The American Telecommuting Association in 1993. During the pandemic in 2020, telecommuting became even more important for both businesses and families.
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Copyright © 2009-2025 Denny Davis