Also see Conversation, Email and Letter Writing


Change Can Be Difficult

When the telephone company began employing male switchboard operators, most callers were initially startled but immediately adjusted to the idea.
Not so, nine-year-old Jimmy. The first time he heard a man's voice saying, "Operator," he asked dubiously, " Are you the operator?"
The voice on the phone assured him that he was.
Jimmy was still suspicious. He hesitated a moment, then asked politely, "May I please speak to your wife?"
(from Readers Digest)

Ways to Get Rid of Telemarketers

(author unknown)

Voicemail or Answering Machine Messages

(author unknown)

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Hot Line

(Louella Dunann)

Our daughter, Alicia
Had just turned sixteen,
And was earning the title
Of "Telephone Queen."

For her birthday we gave her
Her own private phone
Along with instructions
To leave ours alone.

Now we still catch her using
Our line, with the stall,
"I can't tie mine up, Mom,
I might get a call."

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Songs about Phones

Songs about Phone Numbers

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