I may be a twin but I'm one of a kind.

Page Toppers


what's cuter than one baby?
a precious set of twins!
with matching little outfits--
and matchless little grins . . .
with twice as many babies,
how very busy you will be--
just think of all the loving
they'll bring your family!

Twice Blessed

(Azalete Bolger Wells)

Two faces to wash
And four dirty hands;
Two insistent voices
Making demands.

Twice as much crying
When things go wrong;
Then four eyes closing
With slumber song.

Twice as many garments
Blowing on the line.
Two cherubs in the go-cart,
Soaking up sunshine.

Work I do for twins
Naturally comes double,
But four arms to hug me
Repay all my trouble!


Two to wake up in the morning
Two to dress and start the day.
Two to help you with the work
Two forever in the way.

Two to smile or laugh or shout,
Two to jump and play or sing.
Two to kiss away the tears,
It's always two in everything.

Two to wash and put to bed,
Two to pray to God above.
Two to tuck in and kiss good-night,
But best of all . . . there are two to love!


twice the smiles,
twice the fun,
when you have two instead of one!

two miracles instead of one--
two moonbeams found, two rays of sun . . .
two special lives have just begun--
two times the joy,
two times the fun!

twice as much happiness,
twice as much fun,
twice the excitement of just having one . . .

Two to Love

There's two to wash, there's two to dry,
There's two who argue, there's two who cry.
One's in the mud having a ball,
The other holds a crayon, another marked wall.
Some days seem endless, my patience grows thin.
Why was I chosen to be a mother of twins?

The answer comes clear at the end of each day,
As I tuck them in bed and to myself say,
There's two to kiss, there's two to hug,
And best of all, there's two to love!

 Sally: "Congratulations on the birth of your triplets. It's marvelous."
Jean: "Thank you. You don't know how marvelous it is. I just read that triplets only happen once every 3,200,050 times."
Sally: "Oh, my goodness! However did you manage to find time to do any cooking and cleaning?"

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