song lists, odd author names, and jeeping

Why all the song lists?

A few people have asked me why there are lists of song titles in almost every file and several files with just song lists. Some song titles can be used as page toppers in scrapbooks but many of the songs on the lists are not good for that.
I made the lists from June through September of 2009. I got a compressed vertebrae and damaged vocal cords within the same week. I spent two months in a back-brace, then when that didn't work I had surgery (which only had about a 20% change of total success) and spent two months recovering. I was in a lot of pain for three of those months and nothing really helped unless it knocked me out. I didn't want to get addicted or sleep all day so only took pain pills a few times. My vocal cord damage kept me from talking except in a whisper - which I was told to do as little as possible since it would cause more damage. They started healing after a few weeks and then I had to have speech therapy to learn to talk again.
I was very stressed, not just because of the pain and not being able to talk, but because I was a few years from retirement age and it was possible I wouldn't have my job because I worked at a call center.
I needed something to do to focus my attention away from the pain and stress. I didn't want to work on the files on my website because I knew I would be prone to errors. There was a website that had lists of song titles on a few subjects and I had used song titles for some things on the page topper lists so I decided to do that. It did help me keep my mind off my problems.
After I recovered and went back to work I just couldn't bring myself to delete all the lists so I put some of them in the relevant files and the others in files by subject. Whether anyone has used them for page toppers, I don't know, but a couple of DJs have emailed to thank me. They both like to sometimes play songs with the same topic and they found the lists helpful. I did put the lists at the bottom of files or file sections so they won't be too disruptive but so far haven't had the heart to delete them.

Why so many odd author's names?

In 1997 and 1998 I was a Creative Memories scrapbook consultant. I sold scrapbook supplies and held classes for people to learn new techniques and work on their scrapbooks. I joined a listserv (now called email group) of 400 other consultants and a couple of scrapbook message boards. Many people in the group and on the boards had screen names - partly because it was fun and partly because Creative Memories didn't like their consultants to have an online presence for some reason.
One thing many consultants had question about was finding a quote, poem or page topper on a specific subject for a client. Many also wanted lists of page toppers to have ready when needed. I had been a life-long collector of poems and quotes and one of the first things I did when I got a computer in 1991 was type all them in files. I had also made lists of all the music and movies I had. Because of that I was often able to come up with something. As others posted their ideas, I collected them as well. When I decided to stop my business I decided to put up a website so I wouldn't have to be constantly answering emails. The people on the listserv and the message boards were fine with me putting their ideas on the website. Some wanted credit with their real name but many did not because of their business so I used their screen name. Some I kept in touch with and when they stopped being consultants I changed to their real name. But many of them I don't have any way to contact since the listserv and message boards are long since gone. But if KristenNH, Carol in IL, CMCRhonda, Croppin' Kelly, E in ID, Donna in MB, Del S, Libade or any of the others contact me I will be happy to credit them under their real names.

What the heck is jeeping?

Man of the files that mention scrapbooking or page ideas use the word 'jeeping'. If you are not familiar with strap-hinge scrapbook style album pages, the term refers to the extra thick narrow strip along the right and left side of the pages. The purpose of the jeeping is to give room for the photos so they don't rub together, to protect the edges of the pages, and to hold the page protectors in place. As to why they named it 'jeeping' I have no idea.

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