Garnett High School Class of '65


In addition to the regular reunions that we have every 5 years, there have been other events that I am going to call "mini-reunions" (until someone comes up with a better term). Some have been impromptu gatherings of four or five class members and others have been a planned activity that included several class members. Sadly, some of the time, we are in Garnett because a class member or someone in their family has died.

There is already a page for people who have continued their friendships with classmates. For the most part, this section will be for planned events or those with several class members present and the other page will be for small, informal get-togethers or just hanging out with a couple of old friends.

I am relying on those involved in the various activities to send me info. I think there was a ski trip and/or a trip to Las Vegas and a trip to Branson. I also recall one year being invited to a pig roast in Garnett which I didn't attend. I think it was in August but I don't recall the year.

As I create pages for each mini-reunion I will put links to them here.
July 24, 2004 - Lake Garnett Grand Prix Road Rally and Car Show
March 2, 2013 - Party for Rick and Tharon
June 15, 2013 - Memorial Service for Shelda (Terry and Janis' mother)
April 14, 2014 - Memorial Service for Bobbie (Mattix) Richards
August 25, 2016 - Party at the Pizza Hut
October 9, 2016 - LGGPR Car Show and Exhibitions

Lake Garnett Grand Prix Revival - October 8-9, 2016

Events that I don't have photos for will be posted below until someone sends photos.
April 2001 - Tribute to Coach Meyer This info is from Terry Cain: I gave the shirts to those who were at Coach Meyers celebration. We were well represented. Monte stood up and did a great salute to Coach Meyer. Leonard Davidson, Monte Mace, Bobbi (Mattix) Richards, Dan Fraker, Herb Waring, Roger Adams, Glenn Caldwell, and I were there and we all wore our shirts. Then we gave a 65'er shirt to Coach.
November 2005 - breakfast in Garnett This info is from Linda (Holmes) Macklin:
Had breakfast and a nice visit in Garnett Saturday with Linda (Lewis) Moody, Linda (Lickteig) Teichgraeber and her sister, Martha (Hughes) Miller, and Bobbie (Mattix) Richards.
August 2010 - reunion planning meeting We met at the Coffee Loft. The butterscotch tart was great - but not as good as the company! We started at 2pm and the meeting eventually included Roger and Phyllis Adams, Terry Cain and her brothers Craig and Kevin Main, Larry Caldwell, Linda Lewis, Ron Wolken and his brother Larry, and me. Terry and I left at 7:30; Roger Adams, Ron Wolken and Larry Caldwell were still there.

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