Garnett High School Class of '65

45-Year Reunion

It seems like our reunions keep getting better and better. I think computers have a lot to do with that. Thanks to email and the Yahoo group many of us know each other better and the reunions are more of a get-together with friends rather than a get-together with former classmates.

Many class members and spouses helped with suggestions, planning, tracking down class members, and many other things. Here are some of them in alphabetical order:
Don Anderson, Marilyn Nilges Bennett, Terry Cain, Larry Caldwell, Mary Jane Brooks Cook, Charles (Harold) Denchfield, Monte Mace, Linda Holmes Macklin, Betty Pickert McArdle, Bobbi Mattix Richards, Gary Wittman, Merle and Kay Wittman, Ron and Jeanne Wolken, and me, Denny Davis.
I didn't forget Joe and Betty Lytle. I just wanted to thank then especially for their generosity in opening their home and providing a place and food for the reunion.
Sorry if I missed anyone – I didn’t keep all the early emails exchanged during planning.

Class members and guests who attended at least one event at the reunion include:
Roger and Phyllis Adams, Don and Alice Anderson, Norm and Mary Jane (Brooks) Cook, Terry Cain, Glenn and Linda Caldwell, Larry Caldwell, Leonard Davison, Denny Davis, Charles (Harold) and Sharon Denchfield, Dan and Lynn Fraker, Hazel (Henderson) Economides, Roberta (Hill) Romig, Jerry and Betsy Hoke, Linda (Holmes) Macklin, Martha (Hughes) Miller, Jerry and Ronda Katzer, Linda (Lewis) Moody, Linda (Lickteig) Teichgraeber, Joe and Betty Lytle, Monte Mace, Ray and Janis (Main) Hightower, Bobbi (Mattix) Richards, David McDonald, Tarry and Linda Miller, Ben and Marilyn (Nilges) Bennett, Larry and Marjorie (Peine) Fox, Betty (Pickert) McArdle, Ron Romig, John Schuster, Paul (Pete) and Sue Schuster, Sue (Singer) Ward, Steve and Dee Ann Stevens, Rick and Deane Struttman, Charles Vosseller, John and Paula Walter, Herb and Kathy Waring, Gary and Connie Wittman, Merle and Kay Wittman, Ron and Jeanne Wolken, and family and friends of Joe and Betty Lytle.

Let me know if I left anyone out or if you have thoughts or photos you would like to have added.

We had several events at our 45th reunion. Click the links below to see photos and info about the other events.

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