Irving Elementary School

This page is for photos and stories related to Irving Elementary School. Camp Fire Girls, and Boy Scouts.
See You must have been a beautiful baby... for pre-high school photos and stories not related to Irving School and Irving Junior High.
Trivia: Until 1922, when the high school we went to was built on Oak Street, the top floor of Irving served as the high school.

Irving Kindergarten 1953

irving kindergarten

Front Row: Ray Marmon, ??, ??, Glenn Caldwell, Max Farren, Billy Cullison, David Rogers, Fred Beckwith?, ??
Middle Row: ??, Tarry Miller, Connie Burns, Judy Osborn, ??, ??, ??, ??, Ron McCain?
Back Row: Roberta Hill, ??, Linda Holmes, Ruth Randall, Marilyn Nilges, Linda Lickteig, ??, Fran Craig, ??

Irving Grade 1 1954

grade one

Front Row: David Rogers, Tarry Miller, Linda Askins, Linda Holmes, ??, Fred Beckwith, ??, Glenn Caldwell
Middle Row: ??, Dick Hunt, Billy Cullison, Larry Kibbie, Ron McCain, Ernest Bruington, ??, Linda Lewis, Keeta Skillman
Back Row: ??, Judy Osborne, ??, ??, Connie Burns, Marilyn Nilges, Ray Marmon, Billy Burns or Eddie White, Dorothy Benjamin (teacher)

Irving Grade 1 Spring Program 1955

grade one spring program

Front Row: Tarry Miller, David Rogers, Linda Holmes, Keeta Skillman, ??, Linda Lewis, Glenn Caldwell, ??
Middle Row: Ray Marmon, ??, Ernest Bruington?, Larry Kibbie, Ron McCain, Billy Cullison, ??, ??
Back Row: Dorothy Benjamin (teacher)

Irving Grade 2 1955

grade 2

Front Row: Tarry Miller, Ray Marmon, Billy Cullison, Eddie White, Ron McCain, Ernest Bruington, David Rogers
Row 2: Larry Kibbie, ??, Martha Hughes, Keeta Skillman, Dick Hunt, Linda Lewis, Glenn Caldwell, Mary Barr, Linda Holmes, Steve Stevens, Linda Askins (behind Steve), Marilyn Sutton, Max Farren (behind Marilyn)
Row 3: Larry Zwiener, Alene Meliza, Billy Burns, Marilyn Nilges, Right Randall, Jeannie Zastrow, Alan Curtis, Judy Osborn, Connie Burns, Dannie Moore
Back Row: Mrs. Esther Pralee (teacher)

Irving Grade 3 Spring Program 1957

It's Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White

grade 3 spring program

Front Row: Tarry Miller, Dan Fraker, Max Farren, Ray Marmon, Glenn Caldwell, Larry Kibby, David Rogers
Middle Row: ??, Keeta Skillman, Martha Hughes, Marilyn Nilges, Linda Holmes, Linda Lewis, Ron McCain, J.D. Kelly, Ernest Bruington
Back Row: Billy Burns, ??, Jeannie Zastrow, Connie Burns, Ruth Randall, Billy Cullison, ??, Linda Askins, Judy Osborn, Mrs. Landis (teacher)

Irving Camp Fire Girl Group

I was not at Irving for grades 1 through 6, but someone gave me these notes about a Camp Fire Girl group there. In 1954, the second grade members were: Connie Burns, Audra Hughes, Judy Osborne, Linda Askins, Ruth Randall, Linda Holmes, Linda Lewis, and Keeta Skillman. The co-leaders were Mrs. C. H. Hughes and Mrs. Francis Osborne. Refreshments were served at every meeting.
The first meeting Nov 17 1954 at the home of Mrs. C. H. Hughes, the girls chose the name "The Gay Bluebirds". The November 24, 1954 meetings was at the home of Mrs. Francis Osborne. The girls made apple turkeys.
The next eleven meetings were at the home of Mrs. Hughes. The December 1, 1954 meeting was attended by Linda Askins, Connie Burns, Linda Holmes, Audra Hughes, Linda Lewis, Judy Osborne, and. Keeta Skillman. The girls worked on Santa puppets; which they finished at their next meeting on December 8, 1954.
At the December 15 meeting the girls made picture ashtrays (my how times have changed!) and Christmas tree decorations. That meeting was attended by Audra Hughes, Linda Askins, Linda Lewis, Linda Holmes, and Judy Osborne.
Attending the January 5, 1955 meeting were Judy Osborne, Connie Burns, Linda Holmes, and Linda Lewis. The girls spent most of the meeting celebrating Judy Osborne’s 8th birthday.
The January 15, 1955 meeting was attended by Audra Hughes, Ruth Randall, Linda Holmes, Judy Osborne, Linda Lewis, and Connie Burns. The girls made wall plaques and then went outside for a game. At the January 19, 1955 meeting the girls made gumdrop turtles and signed a get well card for Ruth Randall. Those attending were Audra Hughes, Linda Holmes, Judy Osborne, Linda Lewis, and Connie Burns.
Audra Hughes, Judy Osborne, Linda Lewis and Linda Holmes were at the January 26, 1955 meeting. The girls worked on animal picture books. The girls finished the animal picture books and signed some get-well cards at the meeting on February 2, 1955. Those attending were Linda Holmes, Linda Lewis, Connie Burns, Judy Osborne, Ruth Randall, and Audra Hughes.
On February 16, 1955 Linda Holmes, Connie Burns, Linda Lewis, Judy Osborne, and Audra Hughes made colored bead necklaces. Only Judy Osborne, Connie Burns, and Audra Hughes were at the February 23, 1955 meeting because several girls were illness. The girls worked on hankies. On March 2, 1955, Linda Lewis, Audra Hughes, Linda Holmes, Ruth Randall, and Connie Burns worked on hankies and played a game.
The March 9, 1955 meeting was at the home of Mrs. Francis Osborne. The girls played with a baby goat and played games.
On March 14, 1955 the group sold 23 boxes of candy and three girls also sold five boxes each.
At a field trip on March 23, 1955 the group went to the greenhouse to see the banana tree. At another field trip on March 30, 1955 the group was given a tour of Crystal Cleaners and each given a pencil by the owner, then they went to the drugstore for ice cream cones.
The April 6, 1955 meeting was at Irving School. The girls were given parts for the Blue Bird and Camp Fire presentation to be given for the PTA the following week
The meeting on April 13, 1955 was at the home of Mrs. Francis Osborne. The girls had a 'prolonged' Easter egg hunt in the house because it was raining.
On April 20, 1955, the girls took a tour of Dr. Maddy’s office. The highlight was seeing the chinchillas which Dr. Maddy gave an interesting talk about.
On April 27, 1955 the girls met at the North West Shelter House for a wiener roast, Mrs. Dorothy Burns assisted.
On May 4, 1955 the girls toured the Sunshine Hatchery and played with some baby chickens and on May 10, 1955 they went to Elliott's Dairy to see ice cream being made, they were given ice cream cones. On May 18, 1955 the group had a Camp Fire Ceremony.

The only other info I have about the group was from the February 10, 1956 dues registration form. According to it the leader was Mrs. Francis Osborne; the sponsors were Earnest and Doris Holmes; and returning members were Linda Askins, Connie Burns, Linda Holmes, Linda Lewis, Judy Osborne and Ruth Randall; and new members were Mary Barr and Martha Hughes.

I have two photos of the group, but they are old and faded. The first one was taken in 1957 and I think it is Linda Holmes, Keeta Skillman, Ruth Randall, and Connie Burns. The second photo was taken in 1958. I think the girls are Marie Wycoff, Linda Holmes, Sharyl Myers, Fran Craig and Linda Lickteig. If anyone has more info or photos of this group, please let me know.

This photo of boy scouts was taken in 1956. Some of the names are unknown but am guessing on some of them with help from Marilyn Nilges, Monte Mace, and Pete Schuster.
Front row: Ray Marmon, Glenn Caldwell, Gene Bowen?, ??, Linnie Gilpin, J.D. Callahan?, Tarry Miller?, ??, ??
Second row: Steve Warren?, Don Anderson, David McDonald, Larry Zwiener?, Mike Pence?, Fred Beckwith?, Rodney Pence?, ??, ??
Third row: Phil Bayless?, Monte Mace, ??, Steven Bronson?, Bob Fisher, Roger Myers?, David Booth?, ??, Ronnie Foxx?, Max Farren?, ??

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