
This is the program from the Baccalaureate Services.

This is the graduation announcement (front and inside).

 I don't remember much about graduation.
I had never intended to finish high school and
even when I decided to finish I didn't intend
to participate in graduation. However, at the
last minute I decided to go and I was glad I did.
I remember feeling proud for sticking with it,
but sad for reasons I couldn't explain.

Graduation was on Thursday, May 27, 1965. I don't have the graduation program but I have a news article printed the week before. According to the newspaper, graduation was supposed to be a the stadium, but it was moved to the gym (I would guess because of the weather). Like in many small towns, graduation was a big deal and lots of people were there.
The GHS band played the Recessional, Processional, and a few other songs. Ronald L. Sundbye, a Methodist minister from Topeka, gave a talk. Reverend Plummer, pastor of Garnett's First Baptist Church, gave the Invocation. Johnnie Walter played a trumpet solo, Harold Denchfield played a clarinet solo, and Fran Craig sang a solo. Rev. Copple of the Garnett Church of the Nazarene, gave the Benediction.

In high school I was too self-absorbed to notice that other people had problems, too. We were told those were "the best years of our life". I often felt guilty for not having fun so I pretended I was. I have some wonderful memories of those years, but also many bad ones.
When reading my yearbooks I was struck by how many people seemed to feel the same way. Some of them may have been joking but there were too many references not to have some truth behind it.
Here are a few quotes:
The year has really flown, - I'm glad. Maybe these are the best years of our life – but think what the rest will be like. – they couldn't be much worse than school... (BobbiM)
We have now witnessed another year of prison. (RonM)
Well I'm glad I am getting out of here and I bet you are too. (CharlesV)
We are just about out and most of use can't wait. (ConnieB)
Well we're finally going to get out of this !#!? place. (JerryH)
We are almost free and the thought of it is wonderful. (JohnS)
This was our last year and myself I am mighty glad it is (LarryZ)
... after today we have 10 1/2 days of this term in jail to go. (LarryF)

This is me in my cap and gown. I will post other photos if someone sends them.

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