
In some years both the Junior and Senior classes put on a play and in some years there was a play that involved multiple classes. I was not involved in drama. I don't even remember being an usher for the senior class play but evidently I was since I was listed on the program. If anyone knows of another play or skit that someone in our class was involved in, please let me know.

Class of '65 Junior Play
We Shook the Family Tree

junior play
November 1963

The photos below are from Judy (Smith) Cooper.

junior play cast
Glenn, Steve, Don, Janis, Terry, Jan, Bobbi, Ann, Herb, Fran, Martha, Dan

Don, Glenn, Fran



Steve, Bobbi

Jan, Steve

This is from an email from Judy (Smith) Cooper in 2010:
"We Shook the Family Tree" was memorable because it was scheduled to open on the night of President Kennedy's death. Mr. Cole and I debated whether to cancel the play or go on as planned. I knew how those of you in the play had practiced for weeks and I really didn't want to cancel it. I believe I said to the cast "If you can make people laugh tonight, you've done a good job!" And laugh they did.
Then "Dino" in your senior year holds a special memory. "We had one scene in front of the curtain while things were being changed behind the curtain. Ronnie Benus was the only one on stage for this scene and as he spoke his lines, he was to sit on the only prop on stage, which was a roll-a-way bed. As it turned out he sat right on the center fold and the bed collapsed. He added a line to his part "I hate that damn bed" and went right on as though it was supposed to happen that way. Other than the fact that "damn" was frowned upon by Mr. Myers, Ron handled it perfectly!

Class of '65 Senior Play

The play was directed by Miss Judy Smith. I don't have any photos from the play.
Production Staff: Student Director - Beverly Copple, Assistant Student Director: Marilyn Nilges, Stage Manager - Paul Schuster, Lights - Mark Womelduff, Publicity - Monte Mace, Tickets - Terry Cain, Programs - Marilyn Nilges.
Ushers: Leonard Davison (head), Denise Davis, Linda Askins, Ed Barnaby, Bill Burns, Frona Cline, Jenelle Thomas, Oliver Meliza, Max Farren (head), Sharon Hill, Skip Boyd, Karen Brown, Gene Bowen, Connie Burns, Larry Caldwell, Martha Waite
Cast: Ronnie Benus, Dan Fraker, Jan Brechiesen, Connie McClure, Linda Lickteig, Jerry Katzer, Glenn Caldwell, Martha Hughes, Keeta Skillman, Ann Sheern, Linda Lewis, Ronnie Miller, Don Anderson, Fran Craig, Jerry Hoke, Barbara Mattix, Janis Main, Gay Benjamin, Monte Mace, Paul Schuster, Gary Wittman
Sponsors: Mr. Roger Howard, Mr. Bob Bodenheimer, Miss Judy Smith, Miss Carolyn Barrows, Mr. Emanuel Carter

Musical Comedy
Plenty of Money

musical comedy
spring 1964

Both music and drama students participated in the musical comedy. Member of our class that were involved were: Steve Stevens, Linda Lickteig, Fran Craig, Ann Sheern, Glenn Caldwell, David Rogers, John Gull, Max Farren, Janis Main, Ray Marmon, Ronnie Miller, Oliver Meliza, Terry Cain, Jan Brechiesen, David McDonald, Harold Denchfield, Linda Holmes, Marilyn Nilges, Connie McClure, Mary Lou Loughridge, Sharyl Meyers.

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