Extracurricular Activities

Being both shy and untalented I didn't participate much in music, plays or school organizations. However I hope that those of you who did will contribute your memories.

freshman class officers
Freshman Year - 1961-62

President: MonteM, VP: DonA, Secretary: GenellB,
Treasurer: GlennC, Historian: BarbaraM,
Stuco: HerbW and TerryC

sophomore class officers
Sophomore Year - 1962-63

President: GlennC, VP: RayM, Secretary: LindaL,
Treasurer: JerryK, Historian: BarbaraM,
Stuco: JanB and MonteM

junior class officers
Junior Year - 1963-64
Treasurer: JerryK, Historian: BarbaraM, Stuco: RayM, President: MonteM,
Stuco: TerryC, Vice-President: HerbW, Secretary: LindaL

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