This file includes Feet and Toes, Heels, Knees and Legs, Boots, Socks, and Shoes (including shoe tying). Also see Hands and Fingers, Father Poems, and Pretty is as Pretty Does.

Feet and Toes

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. (Kahlil Gibran)

Page Toppers

Little Feet

(author unknown)

Two little feet, ten little toes
Leave their impressions today
Soon they will wear two little shoes
And be running and jumping at play.
Two little feet, too little time
Before they are walking to school . . .
Kicking a rock or skipping a rope
Wading a puddle or jumping a pool.
Two little feet, one little child
Will soon go their own way
But footprints in my mind recall
They stood here yesterday.

Baby Feet

(author unknown)

Someday I'll jump through puddles,
take a stroll or run a race.
Someday I'll walk across the street
or maybe walk in space.
Someday I'll scale a mountain
or I'll join a ballet corps.
Someday I'll walk a tightrope
or explore the ocean floor.
Someday these feet will do some things
that only heaven knows,
but for today they're happy,
just to wiggle all their toes!

My Toe

(Felice Holman)

My toe
is only
a little part of me

should I care
if it should hurt me?

It certainly
would not be
very trying
would it?
Then why
am I

Baby Feet

(Michelle - used with permission)

Baby feet, baby feet
Precious little baby feet
Small and tender
With ten little toes
Clad in booties
With ribbons and bows
Baby feet, baby feet
Everyone loves baby feet


(author unknown)

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some people move our souls to dance.
They awaken us to understanding
with the passing whisper of their wisdom.
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon.
They stay in our lives for a while,
leave footprints on our hearts,
and we are never, ever the same.

Leaving a Path

(author unknown)

We walk the path of the ancient ones,
soon the shadows of our footprints the dream ones will walk.
Will our footprints be deep enough to follow
or will the winds erase them for all time.

from Pittypat and Tippytoe

(Eugene Field)

All day long they come and go . . .
Pittypat and Tippytoe;
Footprints up and down the hall,
Playthings scattered on the floor,
Finger-marks along the wall,
Tell-tale smudges on the door . . .
By these presents you shall know
Pittypat and Tippytoe.

Oh the thousand worrying things
Every day recurrent brings!
Hands to scrub and hair to brush,
Search for playthings gone amiss,

Many a wee complaint to hush,
Many a little bump to kiss;
Life seems one vain, fleeting show
To Pittypat and Tippytoe!

On the floor and down the hall,
Rudely smutched upon the wall,
There are proofs in every kind
Of the havoc they have wrought,
And upon my heart you 'd find
Just such trade-marks, if you sought;
Oh, how glad I am 'tis so,
Pittypat and Tippytoe!

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Heels, Knees and Legs

Songs about Heels

Quotes about Knees

Songs about Knees


(Aileen Fisher)

Two legs for birds
And you and me
Four legs for dogs
And for squirrels in a tree
Six legs for beetles--
Away they go
Eight legs for spiders
What do you know!

Songs about Legs

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All you really need is the right pair of shoes.

Page Toppers and Quotes

On Shoe Tying

(author unknown)

I know how to tie my shoe,
You take the loop and push it through.
It's very hard to make it stay,
Because my thumb gets in the way!

The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe

(author unknown)

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe,
She had so many children she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some broth without any bread,
She whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.

Choosing Shoes

(Frida Wolfe)

New shoes, new shoes,
Red and pink and blue shoes.
Tell me, what would you choose,
If they'd let us buy?

Buckle shoes, bow shoes,
Pretty pointy-toe shoes,
Strappy, cappy low shoes;
Let's have some to try.

Bright shoes, white shoes,
Dandy-dance-by-night shoes,
Perhaps-a-little-tight shoes,
Like some? So would I.

Flat shoes, fat shoes,
Stump-along-like-that shoes,
Wipe-them-on-the-mat shoes,
That's the sort they'll buy.

Grandma's Shoes

(author unknown)

When I was very little,
All the Grandmas that I knew.
All walked around this big old world,
In ugly grandma shoes.

You know the ones I speak of,
Those black clunky heeled kind.
They just looked so very awful,
That it weighed upon my mind.

For I knew, when I grew old,
I'd have to wear those shoes.
I'd think of that, from time to time,
It seemed like such bad news.

I never was a rebel,
I wore saddle shoes to school.
And next came ballerinas,
Then the sandals, pretty cool.

And then came spikes with pointed toes,
Then platforms very tall.
As each new fashion came along,
I wore them, one and all.

But always in the distance,
Looming in my future, there.
Was that awful pair of ugly shoes,
The kind that Grandmas wear.

I eventually got married,
When our kids grew up and left.
And their children came along,
I knew I was a Grandma.

And the time was drawing near,
When those clunky, black,
Old lace up shoes,
Was what I'd have to wear.

How would I do my gardening,
Or take my morning hike?
I couldn't even think about,
How I would ride my bike!

But fashion kept evolving,
And one day I realized.
That the shape of things to come,
Was changing, right before my eyes.

And now, when I go shopping,
What I see fills me with glee.
For in my jeans and Reeboks,
I'm as comfy as can be.

And I look at all these teenage girls,
And there, upon their feet,
Are clunky, black, old Grandma shoes,
And they really think they're neat.

If the shoe fits...

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Songs about Shoes

Songs about Sneakers

Songs about Slippers

Songs about High Heels


These boots are made for walkin'.


Songs about Boots

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One can never have enough socks. (Albus Dumbledore)


Songs about Socks

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