Notes and News

First-time Visitors

Welcome to the Garnett High School Class of '65 website. I hope you enjoy stepping back into the past for a while, as well as seeing what your fellow class members are doing today. If I don't have current information about you, please let me know where you are and what you are up to. If you are not a member of the GHS class of '65 you're welcome to look around and see what you missed!

Email Group

We have a class email group. If you are a class member and want to join the group, email me from the link at the bottom of this page and I will send you an invitation. It is a private, unlisted group so you won't find it by searching.

Class Members Update

When I add information about a class member I will list their name here. You can go to the current files from the "If our friends could see us now" page.

General News

Site Structure

If any of you have suggestions to improve the website they would be very much appreciated. The home page has links to sections and each section page has links to sub-pages. There is a site map here.

A NOTE ABOUT NAMES: I didn't want to use everyone's full name each time I mentioned them so I am using the first name and last initial (as it was in high school) with no spaces - for example DennyD, MaryJaneB, etc. For the names that were duplicated I used these - RickS is Rick Sass, RickS2 is Rick Struttman; RonM is Ron McCain, RonnieM is Ron Miller; LindaL is Linda Lewis and LindaL2 is Linda Lickteig.

A NOTE ABOUT PHOTOS: The photos I have on the website are not high quality. Many of them are scanned from my yearbooks and others were scanned at low resolution to make pages easier to load. If anyone wants to print a specific photo let me know, I may have the original to scan and send you.

Site Content

The GHS Class of '65 is still the "Best Class Alive". . .
so we should have the Best Class Website!

However I can't do that without everyone's help. Much of what I have put on the site is from my yearbooks because that is about all I have left from my high school years. If anyone has photos they want to add to the site you can email them to me as jpg files. If you don't have time to scan your photos, you can mail them to me and I will scan them and get them right back to you. The same goes for current photos of you, your significant other, children, grandchildren, pets, etc. (A very big "THANK YOU" to those of you who have already contributed photos and stories.)
If you don't have photos you can still send stories about high school memories and information on what you are doing now, job, hobbies, etc. If you have a personal or business website I can link to that. I could use suggestions on captions for photos - I am not good at that, as you will see.

Thanks, Denny

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